Contact me (:

Do you want to say something to me? :]
Email me at :D !
You can send me any suggestions or if you need someone to lend you a listening ear,you're always welcome to chat me on Chobots or Facebook or send an email to my email (:

With love,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

So, its over... o.e

Hey guys,

Really bad to hear that Chobots has shutted down all because of some immature noobies /:
Chobots was a big part of my life. It taught me lots of things.
Before I played Chobots, I never knew how to take a pic on my Mac, how to type fast, know about all those whale and sun stuffs from Chobots, and moree.

I love all my friends but I especially wanna thank these guys;

Penguin247/Protective/Otep: You are a huge part of my life. Although I haven't know you for long, I have a lot of memories with you that I will never ever forget and you always make me day :'D. You're awesome, funny,cool and etc. Its a pity that I didn't meet you earlier. I'll always remember you, blue waffles & our good times. :') Create an FB or email me, dude cuz I dunno any ways to contact chu :C

Lolchob: You're one frikin awesome guyyy. You tucked me into bed every night (Virtually). I know you longgggg ago but I only talked to you recently Dx Contact me at my email, kk? Will miss you loads ):

Aloooooy: Banana Candy :'D I'll never forget chu. I only know you recently too o.eeee I love our tinychat talks and all the fun times we have together! CoughJustinCoughhhh. Never forget me. Hope I get a chance to talk to you again soon D:

Chocochick1,Sweet_sugar & Chocolatecookies: You all are great friends. I love all the conversations I had with you guys^_^ Tinychats & Skype talks :) I'll never forget you all -hugs-

Ybf & Dollyyy: I'll miss both of chu loads :[ Don't fight and get along, kk? & Ybf, if you bully Dolly,I'll punch chu >:o Hehee. Contact meh somehow Dx

Conz/Moomonkeymoo: Dudee, you're one frikin epic person xD You always make me crack & you're always stylish x) Im glad that you got an FB so that I can chat you there. Mmk, x)

I got lots more but yeahh.... :3
I would love to keep in touch with all the chobots.
Email me at or add me on FB by typing that email. :)
Love all of you and Chobots, don't forget me <3

Friday, August 5, 2011


Hello Guy's
A Hacker has Banned my account for no Reason at all just Because I asked Him to take /remove His hacked Flower head Item .
I will Miss you all so Much
I am just taking this time to say thank-you For everything I will miss you Im2cool4school and Danderloin and clubpengi Oh so very much !
Thank-you for this lovley experience Guy's ,You are all very good friends to me I will never forget you :)
Please Say Bye to Im2cool4school for me Because he doesn't look at blogs anymore :(
I Love you all with my Heart  You are like Family !

thats the guy who banned me in the Picture :( For no reason!!!
the Girl with the Feather

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Santa is Early!

Hello Guy's!
guess what? 'Christmas has come early '!And it's only August .

So hurry to the park and get a Santa Hat quick sticks :)

Rockin' Styles;)

Heytherr Chos.

Hope you're having a really good day. 8D
Firstly, there're these two Chos with "William's Ears"

Ybf has the blue ones and Dan has the red ones.
For more information, visit Dan's Blog.
Congrats to both of you for the ears. :D

Moving on, I spotted some Stylish Chos today.Impressive styles as usual. ^_^